Follower of the Day for 08/06/13 is @SocialBlackHat
Followers before Follower of the Day 23
Twitter: @SocialBlackHat

Tc_Followback is the best user to follow... Ever!!!

Location: Uk - London

Hobbies: Social Networking, Being Awesome, Texting other websites, Retweeting @Tc_Followback's tweets...

Sports: Typing on a keyboard, Staying in google search results...

Teams: TcFollowback, TeamAutoFollow, Follow...

Follow Back Yes or No: 10000000000000% Yes!!! Follow me and I will follow you back within 24 hrs!!!

Why should people follow you?

Because I am awesome, and only awesome people follow me, and if you don't follow me... You can see where this is going ;)