Follower of the Day for 15/11/13 is @advicesisters

Followers before Follower of the Day 3397
address:  Twitter: @advicesisters @leatherlaceadv @leatherlacspice
Location, NYC, USA

INTERESTS :  writing, photography, travel, and all the little luxuries and surprises life can hold. I'm working on my first "adult" advice website (with a partner) that will offer unique perspectives about sex, love, and relationships (not porn, just more mature content than you'd want your young child to read).

Follow Back Yes or No:  YES with reasonable limits. If you're into spam, make a sandwich with it and eat it-- don't send it to me. If you are a "hater" and you post material that's clearly offensive to the majority of the population I'm not going to follow  (I write about sex and hear plenty of shocking stuff, but there's a limit) I probably won't follow for long.

Why Should People Follow Me: I am widely credited with bringing the advice genre to the Internet. Yep, I've been online a long time!  I've seen a lot.  I'm interesting. I have a lot to say about life, love, relationships, lifestyles, careers, and more. And you can find out what's new on all my websites, plus what's new in my personal life, through Twitter. is a beauty/fashion/lifestyles website that helps people make life easier more successful and more fun.  Leather and Lace Advice is a relationships advice website that offers readers two views (a man's and a woman's) for every question, articles, reviews, a blog and more. Leather and Lace Spice is a new site that will be similar to Leather and Lace Advice, but with mature content (You'll have to be of "legal" age to enter).