Welcome to @TC_FollowBack Follower Of The Day

If want to featured as @TC_FollowBack Follower of the Day send me your blog post to TCFBFOTD@Gmail.com

If I was doing one it would something like look like this but I Know you'll all be able to up with something better :-D

Follow @TC_FollowBack for a Follow Back and awesome Follow trains 

Give people a reason to follow you, promote yourself and in return I will promote you here and to my many thousand loyal Twitter followers. 

As follower of the day you will receive Shout-outs with links to this Blog post

#TCFBFOTD will be picked based on quality of Blog post and nothing else.

FOTD will be picked in the evenings (GMT) then announced here and via Twitter that person will be FOTD for the next day 

No Extreme views or nudity will be considered

Send you Blog posts to TCFBFOTD@Gmail.com please put your twitter @username in the title