Follower of the Day for 10/11/13 is @Nikita_ABrooks

Followers before Follower of the Day 1156
Twitter: @Nikita_ABrooks
Location: At the bottom of the earth. Cape Town, South Africa.
Hobbies: Drawing, painting, dancing and singing. I'm an 'artsy' person.
Sport: Hockey, football (European) and basketball papi!
Teams: Manchester United and Real Madrid.
Follow back: Always! 110% follow back! (I really do, I'm not those fakes that say they do) - that's why I have less followers than people I'm following.
Why should people follow me: Well, I can be funny; I can be serious. I tweet quite a lot and I love to be unique! My tweets are pretty amazing. (There are quite a lot of retweets though) And because I LOVE @TC_FollowBack - he has done so much for me :) ♡ he's the reason I have followers.